Eli Superior Text Revision

Greetings to all rulers of the world! We have an important announcement for you today.
From [2017.12.05] onward, the following revision to [Eli Superior] (SD02-002EN, BP01-083EN) will be enforced.

Old Text
[Rest], banish a recovered Insect or Flower: Destroy target enemy servant with a cost equal to or less than the cost of the Insect or Flower banished for this ability's cost.

Revised Text (Enforced from [2017.12.05] Onward)
[Rest], banish a recovered Insect or Flower: Destroy target enemy servant if it has a cost equal to or less than the cost of the Insect or Flower banished for this ability's cost.

Reason for this revision
Old text targets enemy servants at cost less than the cost of expelled insects or flowers for this ability. However, I chose the target before paying the cost, so I could not refer to that cost and I could not play because I could not select the correct target within the rule. In this revision, checking the cost when resolving this ability resolves the error.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may bring you.
We appreciate your understanding and hope that you continue to enjoy The Caster Chronicles in the future!